February 16, 2021 2 min read
I live in Victoria which is not having the best luck when it comes to Covid 19 and lockdowns (but lets be honest is anywhere?). We are currently in our third lockdown, this one is supposed to be a 5 day circuit breaker (fingers crossed).
As the first day of lockdown 3.0 fell on a weekend I found myself wondering what we were going to do to keep our young kids entertained over the weekend. We are only allowed to go out for 2 hrs a day for exercise which leaves many hrs of the day at home to fill.
Funnily enough I found it easy and even enjoyable spending this forced time at home. By 8am we were painting, playing in the garden, followed by gardening. We found an abundance of basil in our garden which me and my three year old looked up recipes and decided to make a pesto sauce with for dinner (which was delicious). Our friendly neighbour gave us a huge zucchini and tomatoes from his garden which we made into a ratatouille to go with our pesto pasta dinner. Lately with life being so busy I had lost the interest and certainly the time to create fun, creative meals for my family (something I loved doing during lockdown 1 and 2). So this forced 5 day slow down actually had some positives.
Wherever you are and whatever state of lockdown or otherwise take the time to slow down and remember those days when life wasn't running at a million miles an hour and you got to spend precious quiet time with family and friends.
Love always MM xx
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